Monthly Archives: January 2011

Summary of FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds’ August 8, 2009 deposition under oath

August 8, 2009 Sibel Edmonds testified to her knowledge of foreign agencies’ and US officials’ corruption and abuse of power; espionage, obstruction of FBI investigations, trafficking in arms and nuclear secrets, blackmail, bribery, money laundering, 9/11 foreknowledge and facilitation of terrorist activities. As Edmonds had been subpoenaed by David Krikorian to testify in connection with the Schmidt v. Krikorian lawsuit, the questioning focused on her knowledge as it related to Krikorian’s allegations that Jean Schmidt had accepted ‘blood money’ in exchange for favors to the Turkish lobby. This is a summary of the first part of Edmonds’s deposition; I wrote it as an entry for, so it is in the present tense.

For more info on Sibel Edmonds, see the following: her website – letters, legal documents and media coverage related to her whistleblowing her blog – mostly related to Establishment and MSM corruption coverage and investigative reporting by Luke Ryland Sibel Edmonds Timeline