Monthly Archives: May 2009

The Psychology of 9/11 Truth – 2 Recent Articles by George Washington

The Psychology of 9/11 Truth – 2 Recent Articles by George Washington

Richard Gage AIA on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, CA – May 27, 2009

May 27, 2009, Richard Gage AIA was interviewed on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, CA. He presented evidence that the official accounts of how WTC 1, 2 & 7 collapsed are false, and that controlled demolition is the most likely explanation. The interview, one of the few times mainstream media have given “fair and balanced” coverage to independent investigations of the 9/11 attacks, coincided with a presentation by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth in Fresno May 27.

Sibel Edmonds’ 123RealChange – Announcement: Project Expose MSM

Sibel Edmonds project at if you have info on corruption and crimes that the MSM won’t touch- expose them. Details and Mike Levine and example provided at the link

The F-16s That Failed to Protect Washington on 9/11: Was the Langley Jets’ Emergency Response Sabotaged? by Shoestring

Shoestring article about the “extraordinary combination of confusion, communications problems, conflicting orders, breaches of protocol, and other difficulties” that took place on 9/11 coincident with attempts to defend the skies.

Those 9/11 Commission Minders Again by Kevin Fenton

Kevin Fenton blogs on a memo detailing additional strange behavior of Commission ‘minders’ on a trip to Canada; again, the minders are acting as particpants, answering questions for witnesses, taking verbatim notes. Memo also notes that a minder had an opportunity to “poison the well” with a witness, as she had dinner with the witness the night before.

Zelikow, NORAD False Testimony & 9/11 Commission Records – 3 Articles by Kevin Fenton

3 recent articles by Kevin Fenton:

The first 2 are based on a memo and an email chain in the 9/11 Commission records at the National Archives regarding the false statements made by NORAD officials to the 9/11 Commission, and the Commission’s response.

The 3rd article is based on a comment posted by ‘Philip Zelikow’, apparently the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, on the ‘Zelikow Caught in a Whopper article:

Cheney Corroborates His Early Arrival in the Bunker on 9/11 – Peter Dale Scott

In his May 21, 2009 address to the American Enterprise Institute, Cheney corroborated accounts of his early arrival in the PEOC, which were given by Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta, Counterterrorism Czar Richard Clarke and White House Photographer David Bohrer but ignored by the 9/11 Commission.

Executive Summary: What do the Experts Say About Torture? by George Washington

Here is a very brief summary of what the experts say about torture:

9/11 Truth Activists Arrested in St. Louis: ACLU Takes Case

2 9/11 Truth Activists were arrested for allegedly violating a St. Louis ordinance by carrying a banner; the ACLU has taken their case, in support of their right to free speech over an overly broad law that infringes on First Amendment Rights.

Dissecting the US Mainstream Media by Sibel Edmonds

It’s impossible to pinpoint the current sorry state of the MSM to one or two factors, since, at least to me, it seems to be caused by several factors, but here are the usual theories we hear out there on the mainstream media’s current state: