Monthly Archives: August 2008

9/11 Truth, Part 8 of 11: 9/11 Aftermath and Anthrax; Subverted Rights, Endless War, People’s Victories

This article is an overview of some of the ways in which 9/11 has been used; manipulating public fears and understanding, increasing military budgets and private contracts, reducing oversight and accountability, launching imperialist wars, and implementing repressive police state measures- as well as victories for the People and the Constitution.

9/11 Truth, Part 7 of 11: Destruction of World Trade Center 1, 2 & 7, “The Air is Safe to Breathe” Lies & Giuliani

This article is an overview of evidence that World Trade Center 1, 2 & 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition. In addition to this unsolved crime which NIST (and FEMA) have helped to cover up, assurances were given that the air in Manhattan was “safe to breathe”, when EPA data clearly indicated it was not. In order to get Wall Street running again, the Bush Administration condemned tens of thousands of additional people to suffering and death.

9/11 Truth, Part 6 of 11: Air Defense ‘Failures’, Simultaneous War Games & Continuity of Government

This article summarizes some of the events concerning the 4 hijacked flights on 9/11, provides information on standard air defense procedures and warnings received prior to 9/11 and gives a brief overview of the multiple war games and military operations surrounding 9/11, including Continuity of Government planning. Links are provided for more in depth research.

9/11 Truth, Part 5 of 11- The Bush Administration on the Day of 9/11: Incompetence or Intent?

This article is a brief overview of some of the chain of events on the morning of 9/11, and the actions and inactions on the part of Bush Administration officials.

Is the 9/11 ‘Pentagon Hole’ a Psyop to Distract from Real Questions?

It’s understandable some believe “no 757” hit the Pentagon due to the heavy promotion of that idea, but there’s no actual evidence. The theory is being used to mock and discredit the 9/11 Truth Movement, & to give Congress and the media a reason to avoid real questions about 9/11. The US military had drilled for 9/11-style attacks, & they came after years of warnings and a “summer of threat” that Al Qaeda intended to hijack planes for missiles; nothing should have hit the Pentagon.

A 9/11/2008 Resolution: Start Your Own 9/11 Blog! by Arabesque

Be the Media; start a Blog- if you can’t think of anything to say, repost and/or link to the articles that educate and inspire you! The more people doing this, the more visible good information becomes.

9/11 Truth, Part 4 of 11- What Did They Know & When Did They Know It- and What Were They Doing?

This article reviews some of US administration’s and defense, intelligence & law enforcement agencies actions in the years and months before 9/11. The public record of government reports and statements so far makes clear that there were many, many warning signs that Al Qaeda was plotting attacks, and that policy makers in these administrations and agencies were aware of this; why didn’t they stop the attacks?

Sibel Edmonds vs. the Nuclear Terrorists

This is a primer on Sibel Edmonds; her story will be of interest to anyone concerned about US national security and sovereignty; terrorism; 9/11 truth; and abuse of power by public officials. All claims of fact in this article can be sourced in the Sibel Edmonds:US Government Timeline and the Media Coverage Timeline at the bottom of the article. Her allegations listed in this article, and the documents/articles linked in the timelines are not exhaustive.

9/11 Truth, Part 3 of 11- The 9/11 Commission Cover up

This article is an overview of the 9/11 Commission’s conflicts and “failures”, and some brief summaries of some of the many important facts left out of or distorted in their final report, with links for reference and additional research.

Anthrax Foreknowledge? The DOJ & FBI Don’t Care

The DOJ and FBI glibly dismiss questions about the “Quantico letter” that attempted to frame Ayaad Assaad as a bioterrorist- is this apparent foreknowledge of the false-flag post-9/11 Anthrax attacks related to the White House’s apparent foreknowledge, given that staff were put on Cipro on 9/11?